Cybersecurity Provider Case Study

“Like Riding a Lifecycle – You Never Forget”

This fast-growth software company first came to us for a HubSpot audit. HubSpot had been set up, but not optimized. One of the first implementation steps we took was to set up a smart lifecycle and then integrate lead-generation tools. With a smart lifecycle and automatic integration to lead-gen tools, SDRs and Sales Reps never forget what prospect to contact in what order. 


This recently VC-funded company was struggling to efficiently manage their sales pipeline and generate enough leads to fuel their growth, expectations for which were high. Their HubSpot setup was basic, lacking crucial lifecycle stages and automation, and they relied solely on trade shows for lead generation. This resulted in slow lead qualification and overworked Account Managers handling unqualified leads.


We implemented a comprehensive strategy to optimize the client’s HubSpot and streamline their sales process:

Lifecycle Stage Optimization

We defined and implemented clear lifecycle stages within HubSpot, mapping the buyer’s journey from prospect to customer. This included stages like “MQL”, “SQL”, and “Opportunity” to ensure proper lead qualification and tracking.

Lead Generation Powerhouse

We integrated HubSpot with Apollo, Outreach, Orum, and ZoomInfo. This created a powerful lead generation engine, automatically pulling in qualified leads from multiple sources and enriching them with valuable data.

Automated Nurturing & Qualification

We built Sequences and Automations within HubSpot to handle leads at the top of the funnel. This included personalized email drip campaigns, scoring based on engagement, and automatic routing of qualified leads to the designated Account Manager.

SDR Support & Sales Focus

We created a dedicated SDR role to qualify leads before handing them off to the Account Managers. This freed up the Account Managers’ time to focus on closing deals with high-quality leads.


The impact of these changes was immediate and significant

SDR Support & Sales Focus​

Lead generation increased substantially within the first quarter.

Lead Qualification

The MQL to SQL conversion rate spiked significantly.

Sales Efficiency

Account Managers closed more deals per quarter.

Revenue Growth

Since implementing this strategy, the client has experienced revenue growth of over 700%.


By optimizing the client’s HubSpot and integrating powerful lead generation tools, we empowered them to scale their sales operation and achieve impressive growth. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of a data-driven, automated approach to lead generation and qualification, freeing up sales teams to focus on what they do best: closing deals.

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